Body Space Creation Place Stay Home/ Tune In Session #2
Hello Dreamers, Here are a few new offerings to support your ongoing wellbeing.
We remain concerned for our community at large and encourage arts supporters to continue to donate where and when they can so artists and arts organizations can survive these challenging times. Thank you everyone. Be well, be safe and stay tuned in. With love from all of us at Dreamwalker Dance
Guided by Mayumi Lashbrook with Shannon Kitchings and Lisa Emmons Dance Music: Song for Slow Motion by Joshua Van Tassel
Special thanks Henry Mak
Staying well and active at home during this time of global uncertainty can be challenging for all of us as we strive to move forward together. Dreamwalker Dance Company invites you to join us in expanding and opening our bodies and minds through a series of free wellness movement experiences facilitated by skilled artists.
These videos are created for you, and are available 24/7 for you to delight in the diversely creative approaches found in The Body Space Creation Place practice. Our video sessions are designed to be fun, relaxing, rejuvenating, calming and connecting. You will be guided into: flowing gentle stretches, simple vocal play, image rich visualizations and movements. No experience is required, just bring a curiosity for exploring, sensing, feeling and moving in space.
As you move with us through these videos, please move in ways which fully support what you know to be "safe and supportive to you" in the moment you are doing it. BSCP is designed for our community to share time: gaining experiences and practicing embodied knowing, with the intention to activate this practice beyond the parameters of the session time into lived experiences with family, friends and community.
Dreamwalker supports and upholds strict physical (social) distancing policies. This video is intended for individuals, families or people already sharing home spaces together. At the time of filming (early March) the artists were asymptomatic, washed their hands thoroughly and regularly. They all remain well now. Dreamwalker has since moved all activities online.
Thank you for expanding and opening up to a world of possibilities virtually and in real time with BSCP.Body Space Creation Place (BSCP) was originally designed for Burlington Performing Arts Centre (2016)
Currently BSCP is hosted by Burlington Student Theatre, managed by local artist Lisa Emmons and facilitated by artists Megan English, Lisa Emmons, Shannon Kitchings, Mayumi Lashbrook, and Kate Lowe, with trainees Yonah Lavery-Yisraeli, Hemantika Mahesh, Heryka Miranda, and Semiah Smith. BSCP is a community engagement initiative that emerges from dance artist Andrea Nann's personal practice Conscious Bodies. BSCP is a Dreamwalker Dance Company initiative, and is generously funded by the Ontario Arts Council.More information and videos available here
Toronto Movers and Movers Everywhere! Andrea joins celebrated dance teachers Christine Wright (Ballet/Fundamentals), Johanna Bergfelt (Contemporary), Kalie Hunter (Jazz), Phil Nero (Broadway Jazz) and others on one shared platform for live online classes, keeping us socially connect and moving together while we’re physically distant. Andrea will offer a 1-hour Introduction to GYROKINESIS® class on Friday mornings at 10:00am (EST) via Zoom. If you are interested in taking Andrea's class please e-mail us here. More information and full class schedules available here. Payment for classes is by donation (suggested fee $5).
Resources for Artists
The Canadian Dance Assembly (CDA) is posting up to date resource information for artists on their website including this list of current supports:
The AFC - emergency financial aid relief for artists **recently announced, new emergency support provided by Netflix**
Toronto Arts Foundation - $1,000 relief grants available until April 30
National Theatre School to give $60,000 in grants
The Facebook-National Arts Centre Fund for Performing Artists
Dancer Transition Resource Centre - counselling support
Canada Council for the Arts FAQ - Impact of COVID-19 on Funded Projects If you have a COVID-19 related question for the Canada Council, please email:
Information for Canadian Heritage grants and contributions recipients
Offering venue space - Should governments and healthcare organizations need spaces for testing, blood donations, etc. would you be willing to offer your cultural venue?
COVID-19: Financial help for Canadians outside Canada