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End of Year Newsletter


Seasons Greetings,

We are thinking of you all as we transition from one calendar year into the next. In this time of quiet, of generative potentiality, of warm possibility, we thank you for your beautiful presence and space-sharing this year. It has been such a gift to journey with you all through 2022.

We are writing to you with artistic offerings from us, and with a grateful celebration of all of those who have 'Dreamwalked' with us this year.

We wish you abundance, softness, and the delight of wonder in the year to come.


An End of Year Offering From Kelsi

In this time of gentleness and transition, collaborator Kelsi James offers a musing-through-music on Quiet.

Kelsi says, "For me, quiet breathes in many ways -- as deep listening, as rest, as recharge, as the place of possibility, the place of anything-could-come-into-being. Sometimes the beautiful expansiveness of the latter makes it hard for me to say anything at all. Here, I muse through song on quietude." Listen to Kelsi's song Quiet here.

An End of Year Offering From Andrea

Here, on the cusp of the past-future year, we offer Presencing Wave, a sharing by Andrea of Practices of Re-Membering. Presencing Wave was filmed for Andrea's friend Kaya Usher for her Solstice 2022 event ‘Harmonic Resonance: One Gathering’. The music is Breaking the Breath by Kaya Usher and Kevin Drew. Andrea says, "When my Dad watches this video with me he smiles and with soft breath chants, "push and pull…push and pull…push and pull…push and pull.” Come into the circle with Andrea and her Hula Hoop here.

Dreamwalking 2022

We are sending much love to all of those who were in circle with us this year. You are so treasured.

Branching Roots Moon Series

Danielle Denichaud, Kelsi James, Phil Davis, Michelle Silagy, Isaiah Gilson, Joshua DePerry, Sid Ryan Eilers, Shannon Kitchings, Kate Lowe, Crystal Castellan, Mary Jo Mullins, Mayumi Lashbrook, Hemantika Mahesh Kumar and all the luminous individuals who joined in.

Firehorse and Shadow 2.0

Annie Katsura Rollins, Cindy Mochizuki, Sarah Chase, April Liu, Jasper Sloan Yip, Jennifer Baichwal, Nick dePencier, Yasuhiro Okada, Dan Loan, Sophia Mai Wolfe, Kelsi James, Phil Davis.

Windows of Time

London, Windsor, Dufferin, Halton, Sault Ste Marie, Henry Mak, Joshua Van Tassel, Michelle Silagy, Alan Faigal, Amy Hampton, Nicole Barnes, Kevin Clements, Hannah Elias, Dana Hambly, Cynthia Nakeyar, Priyanka Topé, Bizz Varty, Cathy Harris, Mary Jo Mullins, Carly Baker, Michael Bradding, Cole Carlson, Makenzie Corona, Nicole Fortin, Sarah Godfrey, ShaanEAbbas Jamal, Cassandra Kaffetgopoulos, Jed Patterson, Christopher Preston, Michael Williams, Megan Williams, Aly Valliancourt, Kayla Zaichowski, Catherine Carpenko, Kimberly Van Ryn, Jan Gardner, Kate Lowe, Anne M. Patenaude-Dlugosz, Jennifer Sherwood, Jane Paterson, Lisa Thompson, Valerie Calam, Sydney Czop, Courtney Gagnon, Abby Fletcher, Celia Higo, Mary-Lou Morassut, Ashley Morgenstern, Caitlyn Nicholson, Macey Spina, Amelia Stuetz.

The Welcome Gesture

Mayumi Lashbrook, Michelle Silagy, Danielle Denichaud, Phil Davis, Joshua DePerry, Ali Abdel Ali, Priyamvada Tiwari, Ping Gu, Chiamaka Glory, Saba Zhian, Bee Lee Soh, Luisa Mariza Yanez, Crystal Castellan, Danah Rosales, Merona Abbas Estiphanos and all of the fabulous City of Toronto Newcomer Day volunteers.

All in Good Time

Danielle Denichaud, Isaiah Gilson, Joshua DePerry, Kelsi James, Michelle Silagy, Phil Davis, Mayumi Lashbrook, Sarah Chase, Kafi Pierre and everyone at Luminato Festival.

Dual Light: Yuichiro and Naishi

Naishi Wang, Yuichiro Inoue, Henry Mak, Eric Chan, Noah Feaver, Josh Van Tassel, Sarah Chase, Brendan Wyatt.

In a Landscape

Peggy Baker, Henry Mak, Eric Chan, Noah Feaver.

Race Cards Etude

Meghan Cheng, Sandro Pehar, Sarah O’Brecht, Jordan Laffrenier, Ray Hogg.

Porch View Dances: Around the Moon

Michelle Silagy, Ben Clement, Laura Gallagher-Doucette, Morgan Joy, Krystal Nausbaum, Madeleine Stratton, Sam Webster.

The Welcome Project: Revive

Erica Sherwood, Deanna Jones, Tamara (Eve) Atoms, Roselyn Kelada-Sedra, Dienya Waboso, Shannon Kitchings, Mayumi Lashbrook, Danielle Denichaud, Philip Davis, Annie Wilson, Sara Palmieri.

A Crazy Kind of Hope

Sarah Chase, Yasuhiro Okada, Dan Loan, Sophia Mai Wolfe, James Proudfood, Donna Spencer, Jethro Allen-Martin.

B.C. Tour to Saturna Island and Alert Bay

Kelsi James, Phil Davis, Shawn Fitzgerald, Bruce Alfred, students at T'lisa̱lagi'lakw School, and all of the Drum makers at U'mista Cultural Centre.

Chinatown Storytelling Centre

Sarah Chase, Annie Katsura Rollins, Kelsi James, Phil Davis, Yasuhiro Okada, Sophia Mai Wolfe and Dan Loan, April Liu, Ryan Lu, Natalie-Lefebvre Gnam, Johnny Trinh, Cindy Mochizuki, Cathy Tang, Mengya Zhao, Vicky Jang, Alger Ji-Liang, ChiChi Wang, Clare Yow, and Sarah U.

Forever Young

Andy Maize, Henry Mak, Eric Chan, Elysha Poirier.

All of Our Dreaming

Omar Faleh, Elysha Poirier.

Laila Biali: Wintersongs

Michelle Silagy, Annie Thompson, Laila Biali, Ben Wittman.

Conscious Bodies: Neighbour 2 Neighbour

Sid Ryan Eilers, Heryka Miranda, Mayumi Lashbrook, Danielle Denichaud, Shannon Kitchings, Hemantika Mahesh Kumar, and each radiant participant.

Conscious Bodies Core Ensemble

Danielle Denichaud, Phil Davis, Michelle Silagy, Isaiah Gilson, Kelsi James, Joshua DePerry.

And to Dreamwalkers Adina, Karen, Randall, Diane, Mary, Jane, Tom, Kasia, Ivy, Sarah and Gillian, Andrew, Peggy, Michael, David, Veronica, Sandra and Jim Pitblado, Harry and Lin Chin Foundation, the Pitblado Family, the McAllister/Deluzios, the Nanns and Maizes, Ruth and Douglas Grant, the Butterfields, Roz and Andrew Heintzman and to our many friends and supporters.


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