July Newsletter

Dreamwalker summer on!
Dreamwalker summer is on with a new creation for Kaeja d'Dance's Porch View Dances, an annual festival of real people dancing in real spaces, turning local porches into performance platforms.
Contemporary dance artist and DanceAbility facilitator Michelle Silagy joins Andrea to create Around the Moon with The Greenwood Ensemble, housemates with multi-exceptionalities who love to dance together.
Performers are Ben Clement, Laura Gallagher-Doucette, Morgan Joy, Krystal Nausbaum, and Madeleine Stratton. Original music is by Sam Webster. "Everybody is unique in our communal household. We all have different abilities and different styles. Maddie loves singing and dancing, Morgan loves to create, Krystal is an actor and a public speaker, Ben is an artist educator, Laura loves to write, and Sam is a musician. We are one BIG family. Our house is filled with music, dance, food, colours, rhythms, routines, moods, cats and art. We love it and we invest in it. We learn from each other and accept each other for who we are. And whenever possible we sing, we dance, and we share love." - The Greenwood Ensemble We hope you'll join us for one of these inspiring performances:
Wednesday July 18, 2018 at 7pm
Thursday July 19, 2018 at 7pm
Friday July 20, 2018 at 7pm
Saturday July 21, 2018 at 7pm
Sunday July 22, 2018 at 1pm*
Also on the program are new porch dances by choreographers Kathleen Rea, Karen Kaeja and Allen Kaeja, and vignettes by Pulga Muchochoma. *On Sunday Denise Solleza will dance for Morgan Joy Porch View Dances takes place throughout Seaton Village, starting at 595 Palmerston Avenue. The length of the route is 800m. There are 3 manual wheelchairs available (along with volunteers to push them) for individuals who would like to come but may not be able to independently navigate the route on foot. Please email Beata at urban@kaeja.org for more information or to book a chair.

The Greenwood Ensemble in rehearsal.
Next week is the 2018 Volcano Conservatory at The Theatre Centre.
Volcano's annual offering of workshops providing access to alternative training in performance styles from around the world!

WITH: ANDREA NANN DATES: JULY 23-25 | 9-11AM In this workshop - geared to any performer from any discipline - we will move through a diverse range of experiences, tuning our senses and attuning our awareness - on multiple planes. Building on a movement philosophy called Conscious Bodies and incorporating aspects of GYROKINESIS®, a movement methodology derived from key components of Qigong, yoga, and dance, we will enhance our abilities to observe and relate to our self and others. For performers - this will create a body better able to be in space in a relaxed way, and respond to others with a deeper sense of self and connection. We will explore dynamic exchange by activating our physical, metaphorical and acoustic bodies. We will progress through sequences of fluid movement patterns, rich with image and texture, in both solo and group focused exercises. We will breathe, undulate, hum, and spiral together, practicing receiving and giving, and discovering and sustaining our authentic bodies and voices. register today
Carving Creative Spaces A dance incubator project initiated by Dreamwalker Dance Company in partnership with Aria Evans (The Go To Company) and Lua Shayenne (Lua Shayenne Dance Company) moves to a new venue as we enter the second phase of this project with our new partner Grace Centre for the Arts. Each Company is working independently and periodically the lead artists and colleagues convene and connect. We will be hosting a community forum in December to publicly share our artistic findings and experiences. Stay tuned!

Dual Light at Grace TO with Brendan Wyatt, Yuichiro Inoue, Sahara Morimoto, Peter Mettler, and Michael Fohring.
The Welcome Project Workshops are underway with partners Working Women Community Centre, St. Stephen's Community House, City of Toronto, and DanceWorks, with artists Danielle Denichaud, Shannon Kitchings, and Aria Evans, joining us as we gather participants from different backgrounds into a safe space to practice positive attitudes and to share actions of kindness together. With these sessions we are planting the seeds for a grand-scale, communal, public movement event celebrating Toronto Newcomer Day at Nathan Phillips Square in May 2019.

Students enrolled in LINC classes (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) at Working Women’s Community Centre, practicing The Welcome Gesture.
Image by Aria Evans.
SAVE THE DATE! Memory is the History of Forgetting presented by Burlington Performing Arts Centre October 26, 2018
7:30pm 440 Locust Street, Burlington Ontario

Two artists, Andrea Nann and Andy Maize, are partners in life, and in this case, on the stage. As each of their performances unfold, individual experiences and common memories circle and collide, shaping an intimate and transformative portrait of a beautiful shared history. Featuring solo dance, A Crazy Kind of Hope, conceived and directed by Sarah Chase in creation with performer Andrea Nann, and a rare appearance by The Future’s Not What it Used to Be, with singer/songwriter Andy Maize (Skydiggers), Michael Johnston (Skydiggers/The Burns Unit) on keyboards, Derrick Brady (Skydiggers/Hawksley Workman/Sass Jordan) on bass, and Lyle Molzan (Kathleen Edwards/Dean Brody/Jann Arden) on drums.
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to Deanna Wong (administrative director, Reel Canada) who is stepping down as a Dreamwalker Board member after 8 years of passionate service. Deanna's contributions will be greatly missed. We are so grateful for the years of wisdom, care and friendship that she shared as a Dreamwalker board member.
Support Dreamwalker Dance Company
From our friends in the community
2018 Older & Reckless Call for Participants Join MOonhORsE Dance Theatre's Community Performance Project MoW! On the Move (excerpt), led by Montreal-based choreographer Roger Sinha.

The Community Performance Project connects acclaimed senior dance artists together with the public. Join us in learning a dance work, and then step on stage to perform the work as part of the 2018 Older & Reckless presentation.